“Dear former Portugal Telecom bondholder with more than 20,000 USD,
The 2nd OI Judicial Recovery was approved on the 28th. From May 31st, creditors will have a period of 30 calendar days to choose a Payment Option in the 2nd Judicial Recovery of OI. In other words, they will be able to do so until July 1, 2024.
Please note that this option only covers bondholders who made the twelve-year Payment Choice Option in 2018 and who delivered the bonds to OI.
The Plan benefited small creditors with less than 20,000 USD and creditors who lend new resources to OI.
Therefore, we remind you that anyone who holds more than 20,000 USD has two options:
I- Restructuring option I – Goes through three different stages:
a) Former bondholders must commit to taking out a new loan. This new loan is worth a total of 505 million dollars to be made in July 2024, and 500 million already have been taken by large American creditors, meaning that the amount expected to be paid by each former bondholder will be reduced. The more creditors join, the lower the amount to be subscribed. This new loan matures on June 30, 2027 and has an interest in dollars of 10% to 13.5%, depending on whether or not the interest is capitalized.
It is estimated that the maximum amount that each creditor will be able to lend is between 10% and 20% of the value of your credit.
b) The proportional amount that the creditor has subscribed to in the new loan will receive in the same proportion new titles (roll-up debt) up to 1,350 million dollars (6,750,000,000 reais). Most roll-up debt in dollars matures in 2028 and has an interest rate in dollars of 8.5%.
c) The remaining amount to complete the credit amount is converted into OI shares, listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange, or ADS (American Depositary Shares), on the New York Stock Exchange. The conversion is made respecting the proportion in relation to the total value of the credits. The price value of the shares is set by the OI Board of Directors, with current shareholders having preemptive rights, which if exercised, the respective value reverts to creditors. These subscription rights to OI shares can be traded. The share capital of the OI can be increased for this purpose up to 80%.
Example: Creditor with 100,000 USD of credits.
You will have to borrow a new maximum amount of 20,000 dollars (our estimate), with interest of 10% to 13.5% and maturity in 2027. You can opt for a lower loan amount, in which case you will have fewer roll-up bonds.
Then, you will receive around $51,429 of roll-up debt securities (8.5% interest due in 2028).
The remaining 48,571 dollars of your credit are converted into subscription rights for OI shares, in proportion to class III credits, limited to a maximum increase in OI’s capital of 80%. So you could lose part of the remaining value.
If you decide on this option, in addition to the general information identified below (1- 2- and 3-), we specifically need:
– tell us the maximum amount you intend to commit to subscribing to new debt. Knowing that you cannot be asked for a value greater than what you have committed to loan, and that the final subscription value is subject to pro ratio;
– data from your bank account: DTC (Depositary Trust Company) participant number, DTC participant name, phone, email and your individual account number at DTC, where you will receive the titles of the new loan, both the roll up notes and the ADS.
II- Restructuring option II:
– 8% of credit – A&E debt Reinstated- Payable on the last business day of December 2044;
– 92% of credit – participatory debt – Paid on the last business day of December 2050. Can be paid in advance, with 50% of OI’s profits, as long as all other debts have been paid. OI may, at its sole discretion, at any time, by paying 10% of the credit, settle these credits.
– No interest is paid on credits in dollars.
III- Whoever does nothing. Those who do not do option I or II:
– 24 years grace period, until the last business day of 2048;
– payment in 5 equal and successive annual installments, that is, until 2052;
– interest-free;
– OI may, at its sole discretion, at any time, by paying 15% of the credit, settle these credits.
Our fees for choosing an option above 20,000 USD are €1,000 plus VAT (€1,230).
Whether for Option I or II, if you want us to choose your Payment Option, send it to us by June 18th, to the email geral@cpassociados.pt:
1- Indication of the Bank, name of the Account holder, account number/IBAN, Swift Code, and Bank Address;
2- Your full name, taxpayer number, address and telephone number;
3- Unique Token Number, assigned in 2018 by Lucid and which appears in the declaration issued by Kroll.
We also ask that you send us proof of the transfer of payment of our fees, to IBAN PT50 0033 0000 0025 9157 5200 5. Please indicate your name in the transfer.
After we confirm that payment and information have been received, we will send you the documentation for signature.
June 6, 2024”